Published on Lomography Magazine
It was during a turbulent time that, on a whim, I traveled to the Azores. Whatever path I was on was obscured by a blinding fog, raging anxiety kept pounding through my chest day in, day out. For a Portuguese used to sunny days and the calming sound of the limitless sea, London’s ever-grey skies, the constraints of concrete and the crowds are a heavy weight on one's shoulders. I wanted to go home, but simultaneously I felt an immense thirst for the unknown. What a complicated heart I've inherited - roots directed towards home; arms stretching long to the horizon, a nomadic gene, the soul of a Portuguese Discoverer still alive and kicking. This is what made me decide on those islands, lost in the middle of the vast Atlantic Ocean. They were the perfect combination of Portugal and an exotic escape, a place balanced between home and away.
I have a thing for sunrises, to catch one in each new country I visit is an obligation. So, there I was, on the island of São Miguel, lying awakened in bed by one of those annoying alarm clock jingles. 5h30 in the morning. Why, oh why are you so obsessed with the sunrise, when you are not a morning person? No idea. Still, painfully, I got up. My goal - to see the sun peek through the iconic Fire Lagoon, tucked between the highest mountains on the island.
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